
The chemistry of love

Posted by Nyo Chu Ying at 06:21:00
Is that really a chemistry of love? We can blame our chemicals for everything. Surprisingly chemistry does play an important role in how a relationship progresses. The common symptoms of love, like sweaty palms and restlessness, is causing by a natural chemical. Researchers say this is due to the dopamine, norepinephrine and phenylethylamine we're releasing, and these are commonly known as the 'love molecule'. Dopamine is thought to be the pleasure chemical, producing a feeling of bliss. Norepinephrine is similar to adrenaline and produces the racing heart and excitement. Those love molecule are being released from the brain due to triggered from deceptively simple actions like the meeting of the eyes or touching of the hands. Heady emotions, racing pulses and heavy breathing results, and all these are clinically explained as an overdose of this chemical. Besides, a very interesting thing is that chocolate is known to have very high level of this chemical. Thus, this is the reason why chocolate is considered a perfect gift for valentine.

The latest discovery is the arrangement of molecules in this chemicals. And this discovery actually will making the whole world to be EXCITED. Why? Imagine that scientist can actually concoct love potions. In other words, mankind could be on its way to isolating the chemical compound and making drugs that can induce these reactions in us. Meaning, you take the drug, and you fall in love with the next person you see. Wow.. Imagine the chaos that the world will face. But the scientists say that as of now, this discovery will be used to find out how it can help in some other chemical reactions, to cure disease or other, more useful pursuits and research. At this point of time, research on the phenylethylamine molecule breakthrough could be extremely helpful in testing of chemicals related to mental illness. Parkinson's disease could be one.

High levels of dopamine are also associated with norepinephrine, which heightens attention, short-term memory, hyperactivity, sleeplessness and goal-oriented behavior. In other words, couples in this stage of love focus intently on the relationship and often on little else.

Another interesting chemical is oxytoxin, the 'cuddling' chemical. It promotes the need to be physically held, have close contact with he mate and makes both the sexes more caring. It can be released simply by a lover’s look, smell or even a fantasy.

So much for the chemistry of infatuation. When infatuation subsides, another chemical takes over, which is responsible for intimate relationships. These chemicals are created by endorphins. They make a relationship steadier, intimate, dependable, warm and a great sharing experience. They do not induce a giddy high, but calmness and stability…hence are the reason why people stay married. The longer they are married, the longer two people stay together, because this chemical is addictive. It is endorphins that trigger grief on a spouse’s death or long separation, those yearnings for togetherness. The two types of attachments can be summed up as follows, adrenaline love is being in love with the idea of being in love. While endorphins, we like loving someone.

So much for the magic of love and the realms written on it. It did come out of a bottle after all and continues to afflict us generations after generation.

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